Friday, October 5, 2012

Discover Janesville #5

*Discussion of Rep. Joe Knilans backing out of League of Women Voters debate, featuring reaction from Deb Kolste and Representative Andy Jorgensen.

* Political report from Cathy Myers covering activities in Janesville.  Cathy recaps local reaction to the first presidential debate, describes Tommy Thompson as a bully, and talks about the race between Representative Janis Ringhand and Beth Schmidt in the 45th Assembly District. Cathy also lists upcoming opportunities for progressives who want to get involved in the local, statewide and presidential political races.

*Discussion of upcoming comedy concerts with Eric Kuznacic, featuring the comedy of Dana Carvey, Jerry Seinfeld and Weird Al Yancovic, LouisCK is also coming to Milwaukee but we couldn't find any "clean" audio of him to play on the show.

*Update from Executive Director of Janesville Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, Christine Rebout about the upcoming Art Infusion... along the Janesville Mile, a chalk art festival, happening in downtown Janesville this Saturday and Sunday!  There is also a free class today at Helen Jeffris Wood Museum at 5:30 pm for those who want to learn more about painting with chalk.

*Jim Lyke checks in, while in costume and make up and waiting to go on-stage, about the 3-man play "Guys on Ice", he's doing at Beloit Civic Theatre.

*Wade Hallett and Elizabeth Martiniak wasted no time locking horns over whether the auto bailout was a good idea or not (among others), while Elizabeth expressed her deep disappointment with how the President chose to handle Mitt Romney's attacks.

*Parker High School History teacher and blogger, Steve Strieker shares his concerns about the state of education and says there are so many students in his classes, he has ran out of desks and sat a student at the teacher's desk.  Steve calls student poverty to be the biggest problem facing the district.

*Finally, a conversation with Janesville resident Ryan Skinner, who on his quest to document the supernatural, has extensively traveled, including making several trips to the state of Utah, where Ryan believes, an area important for his research, is located.  In our interview, Ryan shares dramatic details of his encounters.
*All that and music by Emerald City, Category X (coming to Tremors this weekend), and Weird Al, coming to Milwaukee.

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